

Ideally, you could use a single transfection kit to optimally transfect a variety of cell types, including the recalcitrant ones. We designed the NanoJuice Transfection Kit for this purpose.

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

FuGENE® 6 转染试剂

FuGENE® 6 Transfection Reagent 是一种非脂质体制剂,用于将质粒DNA 转染到多种细胞系中,高效低毒。该系列转染试剂到2012年12月31日进行降价促销!

商家询价 普洛麦格(北京)生物技术有限公司

293fectin Transfection Reagent

293fectin Transfection Reagent is a proprietary, cationic lipid-based formulation for transfecting DNA into eukaryotic cells. This reagent is optimized for transfecting suspension 293 human embryonic

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

lonza amaxa电转液

lonza amaxa电转液是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理lonza amaxa电转液

商家询价 北京泽平科技有限责任公司

FuGENE 4K Transfection Reagent

FuGENE4K Transfection Reagent is a 100% synthetic, proprietary blend of lipids and other components supplied in 70% ethanol, 0.1um sterile-filtered, and packaged in glass -vials. It does not contain a

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司


Guaranteed virus production yields equivalent to R&D grade PEIpro. Manufactured according to a well-established process. Fully characterized product with extensive Quality Controls. Supplied with a

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司


Lipofectin Transfection Reagent is the reagent of choice for transfection of endothelial cells.

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司