NEBNext DNA 文库制备预混液试剂盒-Illumina
NEBNext 优势 ■ 简单方便的操作流程 产品可用于快速操作和低样本起始量 ■ 简单方便的剂型 试剂盒包含的酶、核苷酸和缓冲液都按照操作所需的浓度和体积提供;许多产品都 有预混液形式;客户可根据需要个性化选
Ribo-off Globin & rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat)(珠蛋白(Globin) mRNA及rRNA去除试剂盒)
Ribo-off® Globin & rRNA Depletion Kit(Human/Mouse/Rat)是针对血液样本总RNA中去除珠蛋白(Globin)mRNA及rRNA的试剂盒。
SeqCap EZ Human Exome Library v3.0
Achieve the most comprehensive coverage of coding regions: Coverage of genes from RefSeq RefGene CDS, CCDS, and miRBase v14 databases, plus coverage of 97% Vega, 97% Gencode, and 99% Ensembl databases